to be... or not to be...
to be a big fish in south east asia.... or a small fish across 5 continents?
the coolest industry to be in...
being in the advertising industry is just so overrated... i'm in the midst of recruitment to form my little media team. i have over 200 applications varying from fresh grads to executives searching for a change of industry. my fave question is "why advertising?" and the answers i get are a far cry from the truth......they describe how advertising is so cool, always out and about, meetings here, meetings there, hardly in the office, how they can't stand to be in the office 9-5, how they don't fancy doing paperwork because it's so clerical...well to set the record straight, we're always out and about because we're cheap despatch. we're hardly in the office because we're always held back at the clients office, and 80% of the meetings we attend are a bloody waste of time and energy. we seems to be chilling out in the evening because that 30mins of chilling will be followed by another 5 hours in the office, and with the various reports we have to do, we have to be clerical. we're just basically the client's, to all the people hoping for a change thinking that the grass is greener on the advertising side... stop hoping. and to fresh grads, be prepared to be over work and under paid.
men are...
... selfish bastards... stupid liars... bloody cheaters...even if they started out as good guys... eventually they will turn into selfish bastards, stupid liars and bloody cheaters... it's only a matter of time... suppose it's a good thing that i found out sooner rather than later....
clearer than ever before
i'm back from yet another trip from singapore... and it was GREAT!! i managed to catch up with my friends and my cousin. also managed to meet Vibes Singapore colleagues and now i can put a name to a face... my friend looked absolutely fab and i was not surprise that she won the 'best dressed' category at a dinner & dance party she attended with her hubby... congrats yuri!! you've always been so beautiful... and will continue to be gorgeous!! junlin... you're a lucky guy!!it was such a pleasure to be chilling out with my cousin. my niece and nephew are such angels and real sweethearts!! we had home cooked dinner and after that, we had a wonderful time just lounging in the garden, talking and discussing about many things in life.but the most important outcome from this trip was it has helped me reinforced my decision about staying single. and i have gotten rid of yet another item that was given to me previously... i got rid of my old mobile phone and got myself a brand new motorola pink v3.