September babies
* Suave and compromising - I don't know about suave but I suppose I did compromise a bit in my past relationship... and look where it headed :(
* Careful, cautious and organized - yes, I'm an organized person. Organized however does not make me a neat freak like Monica of Friends.
* Likes to point out people's mistakes & to criticize - Yes, I'm guilty as charge. But at least I'm admitting to it and not deny it.
* Quiet but able to talk well - I don't know about quiet... This can't be right.
* Calm and cool - yeah... But I also have a volcanic temper!
* Kind and sympathetic - but I'm no angel.
* Concerned and detailed - Pass. Next trait please...
* Trustworthy, loyal and honest - definitely!! Isn't this basic fundamental?!?!
* Sensitive - Errrr... in what way?
* Clever and knowledgeable - this is utter crap. Everyone is born smart but not necessary knowledgeable
* Able to motivate oneself - or just simply being Kiasu
* Loves sports, leisure and traveling - yes! Just that I don't enjoy the money required
* Hardly shows emotions & tends to bottle up feelings- Nobody needs to know what I'm going through...