Monday, January 31, 2005

September babies

People born in the month of September supposedly possess such traits:

* Suave and compromising - I don't know about suave but I suppose I did compromise a bit in my past relationship... and look where it headed :(

* Careful, cautious and organized - yes, I'm an organized person. Organized however does not make me a neat freak like Monica of Friends.

* Likes to point out people's mistakes & to criticize - Yes, I'm guilty as charge. But at least I'm admitting to it and not deny it.

* Quiet but able to talk well - I don't know about quiet... This can't be right.

* Calm and cool - yeah... But I also have a volcanic temper!

* Kind and sympathetic - but I'm no angel.

* Concerned and detailed - Pass. Next trait please...

* Trustworthy, loyal and honest - definitely!! Isn't this basic fundamental?!?!

* Sensitive - Errrr... in what way?

* Clever and knowledgeable - this is utter crap. Everyone is born smart but not necessary knowledgeable

* Able to motivate oneself - or just simply being Kiasu

* Loves sports, leisure and traveling - yes! Just that I don't enjoy the money required

* Hardly shows emotions & tends to bottle up feelings- Nobody needs to know what I'm going through...


Blogger Neo60 said...

isn't it a bit odd (or interesting) that these are common traits that most people exhibit in one form or another? and it is also unsurprising how fortune tellers make their living out of giving generalized or "hypothetical" scenarios/predictions that could apply to everybody--just in different context. makes you go "hmmmm...."

11:31 AM  

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