gym targets
results... achieved
long term goal : to have jennifer garner's arms and jo lo's abs
results... dream on!! i'm a penangite, do i need to say more about food??
secret to life is not to do what one's like but to try to like what one has to do
long term goal : to have jennifer garner's arms and jo lo's abs
results... dream on!! i'm a penangite, do i need to say more about food??
So yeah... that's all i know for now.
Oh... he gave me a warning... he has named my next training session as "NO MERCY"
I'm pretty much dead this coming Sunday.
And this year, i got him the coolest present : an extremely hard to find Herman Hermits No Milk Today CD. I broke his a few months ago and was heart broken to find out that it's no longer in production anywhere!! Thank goodness for an angel in US... she got it mailed to me. I'm sure he's gonna love it!! I can't wait to go home and surprise him.
Lastly, my dad is cool because when i told him i broke his Herman Hermits CD... he told me it was alrite and not to worry about it....