Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Happy Deeparaya!

i’m just so happy that the raya break is here. i mean, it seems like i’ve been waiting for a public holiday for the longest time as the entire month of september seem to crawl by.

raya break also marks my almost-one-month stay with my new agency and t must say, things can only get better and busier. can you imagine, it’s only my 3rd week here and i’m already working on my 3rd pitch? in fact, i was already handed a pitch to work on on my very first day! the day when I couldn’t even remember any of my colleague’s name! but after a round of training, a buka puasa dinner, and some lunch outings, i’m getting along well with my team. i suppose the best way to get to know a fello malaysian is through food!

after this, i’m getting ready to attend a colleague’s open house. i can wait to savour the delicious delicacies there. but i’ll make sure that i hit the gym tomorrow morning.

speaking of hitting the gym, i’ve started jogging again last week. note that it’s jogging and not running. the ankle injury has really taken a toll on my stamina, but i’m not giving up. i have about 5 weeks to go before my singapore marathon and i’m going to finish the race running. i have added extra songs into my ipod’s running folder and the beat will help motivate me. and to assist in gaining better foot posture, i’ve have arch support inserted into all my shoes to prevent injury because i have flat feet.


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