Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Going down memory lane...

my blog turns 1 year old this month.

going through my blog entries was like going down memory lane. so much has been captured in here and when i reflected back on them, i realized how much i've grown. frankly speaking, it was a year of adversity, both in my professional life and my personal life.

i recalled my days in mccanns. the frustrations i went through. how unhappy my life was when i was there. i also distinctively remember tendering in my resignation and how my bosses handled my resignation.

it was also the year when my 5.5 year relationship hit a dead-end. how i was living in denial for months until i accepted the truth as it is and the time i cried for weeks. but as time heals all wounds, i managed to pick myself up and go on with life. of course, there're also some amazing friends who helped me along the way.

i believe that my life did hit rock bottom last year. but when life hit rock bottom, there's no way out but up... i'm pretty happy with my life now. something that i've not felt in a long time.


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