Thursday, October 21, 2004


Usually I have dreamless nights. Most probably because i'm mostly almost dead by the time i crawl into bed. Even on the rare occasions that i dream, it is rarer that i ever remember what i dreamt about.

This morning was a bit different. I remembered a major part of my dream. Which goes like this:
1) Someone in my family won the lottery
2) Not sure how much it was, but i remembered that each sibling was given about 1 million bucks each
3) And mom said we're all going on a world tour. YAY!!!

However, for the life of me, i cannot recall the 'number' that was in my dream. I'm kicking myself real hard for this... i think it was a 6 digit number... is there a 6 digit lottery number for that matter? I thought it was only 4? No?


Here's a list of my to-do list when my parents give me the 1 million bucks:
1) Buy the Alfa Romeo that i've been dreaming off. A red or a midnight blue would be super
2) Go to Russia, Egpyt, Sounth America, New York, and backpack Europe again
3) Be a good humanitarian and do charity (being in the advertising industry, my karma needs all the help i can get)

Arrrrgggghhhhhh!! I still can't recall the number!!


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